What is Team Feedback?
Team Feedback is a survey tool that helps you and your team to improve your collaboration and work environment based on feedback. In regular surveys, you can voice your opinion on everything that matters to you.
By actively working with the results, you and your team can continuously learn and improve – and create the work environment you want.
Find out how Team Feedback worksWhat is your role?
1. Reflect your current work situation
Think about how you are experiencing work right now. What works well? What makes it hard to do your job? Are there any patterns that have emerged in the past few weeks?
2. Fill out the survey
Take the time to give your feedback carefully. Use the comments to explain your ratings – the more concrete, honest and personal your feedback, the better.
3. Explore the results
Find out how your co-workers are experiencing the current situation. You will be surprised by how much you will learn. Take notes: what confirms your assumptions? What surprises you? What would you like to understand better?
4. Discuss the results with the team
Use your regular team meeting or – even better – a dedicated meeting to discuss the results in detail. Identify topics that need to be addressed, define the future you would like to create and work out ways to get there.
5. Implement improvements
Take action to make work work better for everyone. You can probably implement some things immediately, and others need a bit more work. Review progress regularly and especially after the next survey.
Further resources for everyone
1. Encourage your team to participate
Lead by example by participating early and by giving constructive feedback. The more feedback and perspectives there are, the easier it is to implement useful improvements.
2. Ask your colleagues to explain their ratings in the comments
It is precisely these well-formulated thoughts that will help you and your team generate valuable insights and initiate the right improvement measures.
3. Take the time to work with the results
Discuss the feedbacks in your team and support your co-workers in implementing improvement measures. This enables you to develop a culture of open feedback and continuous learning and improvement.
Further resources for managers
Questions you may be asking yourself
What ist the difference between Pulse Feedback and other employee surveys?
Pulse Feedback is a new method that focuses on continuous learning and improvement. Thanks to a bottom-up approach, Pulse Feedback establishes a constructive feedback culture and enables all employees in the company to identify and remove obstacles in their daily work.
What this means for you: You can regularly give feedback on the current situation in a short questionnaire, view your colleagues’ feedback in real-time and initiate improvements yourself.
Why is feedback important?
Feedback is a central component of continuous learning and improvement:
- Mutual feedback makes it easier to do a good job
- Feedback leads to reflection
- Feedback helps to discover new opportunities
- Feedback enables a flexible adaptation to a constantly changing environment
- Feedback leads to new ideas from other perspectives
Why does Pulse rely on open feedback within teams?
Experience in numerous companies has shown that anonymous surveys have many disadvantages. Above all, they make it difficult to work with the results in a meaningful way.
There are good reasons for openness …
- A catalyst for constructive feedback: if I know that others can see my feedback, I will proceed more thoughtfully. How should I formulate it so that it is as valuable as possible for the recipients? By the way, you can find tips for giving and receiving constructive feedback here.
- A basis for discussions: only transparent feedback fosters constructive conversations and thus ultimately leads to concrete improvements.
- Equal rights for all: employees and managers can view each other’s feedback. This prevents potential company imbalances, created by groups using the control of information to gain more influence.
… and many downsides of anonymity
- “Kill the messenger”: with an anonymous survey, the company implicitly communicates that it is dangerous to openly speak your mind and the feedback givers must therefore be protected (WikiLeaks)
- “Witch hunt”: crude attempts are to try to identify the authors of negative comments. Which often results in other team members being held responsible for statements they never made.
- Let off steam: anonymity encourages people to vent their frustration and to exaggerate, which in our experience, rarely forms the basis for practical improvements.
Will my answers be taken into account when evaluating my performance?
No. The feedback should help us all to work together better and remove barriers. Pulse Feedback is not an instrument for individual performance assessment.
How does the survey work?
The survey process is divided into 5 phases:
- Reflect your current work situation
- Fill out the survey
- Explore the results
- Discuss the results with the team
- Implement improvements
How often is the survey conducted?
There is no fixed frequency. Companies typically run 2 to 4 surveys per year, with 5 to 8 questions each. Contact your company‘s Pulse team to learn more about how Pulse Feedback is used in your organisation.
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Explore our blogPeer Feedback
With the Peer Feedback module, you can create personal surveys with just a few clicks, discover your blind spots through constructive feedback and learn how to continuously develop yourself in the process.
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