How can I see the distribution of the ratings?

For each question, you can view the ratings’ distribution in addition to the three score categories (Improve, Neutral, Keep it up).

How to view the rating distribution:

  1. Click on a question or its score bar to get to the detailed view.
  2. Click on Show distribution below the score bar.
  3. Click on Show Categories again if you wish only to see the distribution of the categories.

Rules for showing the rating distribution

To avoid that the ratings of individual participants can be inferred from the distribution, they are only shown if in the following situations:

  • if for a given category, there are no ratings;
  • if for a given category, there are ratings on at least two different scale points, with at least two ratings each (e.g., two people gave a rating of 3 and, two people gave a rating of 5);
  • if for a given category, there are three separate ratings (e.g., 2, 3, 5)