How can I filter the comments?
With numerous employees, there may be many comments. To get an overview as quickly as possible, various filtering options are available to you. Filter the comments by language, most frequently mentioned topics and by rating (Improve, Neutral, Keep it up).
Filter comments by language and by most frequently mentioned topics:
- Go to the score bar of the desired question and click on "Show details".
- Below the score bar, click on one of the language filters and/or on a proposal from the text analysis.
Filter comments by rating:
- Click on a specific question Show details.
- At the top of the score bar, click on the category of the review whose comments you want to see (Red = Improve, Grey = Neutral, Green = Keep it up).
- You may also select multiple categories.
Above the comments, you see which filters are set. Click on "Delete filters" or click on the filters to delete them.
Multiple filters can be used simultaneously. The more criteria you select, the smaller the number of comments displayed.