How can I moderate reported comments?

Participants have the option to report comments.

How to edit reported comments:

  1. Make sure that you are logged in with your admin account and click on your name in the top right corner.
  2. Click on Admin.
  3. On the admin page, locate and click on comments in the left menu.
  4. Click on the comment message that you would like to view in detail.
  5. You will now see the section Reported by xy. Here you will find the message of the person who reported the comment.
  6. Check the message and decide how to proceed after consulting the person who reported the comment.
  7. If the comment should be modified, the modification can be written and saved directly in the fields "I like" and "I wish."
  8. The comment writer and the detector receive a message that the comment has been checked and which changes have been made.

Tip: You can get valuable tips for dealing with inappropriate comments here.